Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

Merchandising and examination of the quality of goods

Квалификация — commodity expert

Qualification - commodity expert.

A commodity expert is a specialist who controls the quantity and quality of goods.

A qualified specialist develops a supply and sales plan, conducts marketing research, draws up contracts for the supply of goods and monitors their implementation. It is on the goods scientist that the delivery of goods to the store in the specified volume and on the agreed dates depends.

A commodity expert daily

• forms an assortment of goods to be sold;

• analyses the state of the market of goods and services, dynamics of demand;

• evaluates the quality of goods;

• performs acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, ensure their safety;

• signs contracts and to exercise control of implementation of contractual obligations, receipts and selling of raw materials, materials, the equipment and finished goods;

• timely processing of claims for quality, quantity, packaging and labelling of goods;

• complies with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of work in trade;

• keeps operational records of receipt and sale of goods and material assets;

• performs physical inventory (actual availability check)

• monitors compliance with the rules for storage of inventory in warehouses;

• draws up documentation related to the supply and sale of products, preparation of reports on established forms;

• makes management decisions.

A commodity expert can work in

• Trade organizations

• Customs authorities

• specialized laboratories for examination and certification of goods

Training Terms



based on 11 classes

based on 9 classes

based on 11 classes

based on 9 classes

1 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

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