Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

Mameeva Elena Alexandrovna

Mameeva Elena Alexandrovna

Post — teacher





Academic title


Information about the education

- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Barnaul State Pedagogical University," 1999, qualification - teacher

Information on advanced training and (or) professional retraining

- FGBOU VO "Altai Pedagogical University," 2009, "Conducting professional activities in the field of English language education in an educational organization";

- Autonomous non-profit educational organization "Teacher's House," 2016, "Development of professional competence of a foreign language teacher in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards (subject" English language ");

- Yourite Academy (Moscow), 2020, additional professional program "Summer Teacher School - 2020: five digital skills for the distance"

Qualification category


Work experience

17 years

Occupation experience

10 years

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