Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

Voronova Zinaida Sergeevna

Voronova Zinaida Sergeevna

Должность — teacher

Преподаваемые дисциплины

Employment Law, Notary, Interdisciplinary Courses

Ученая степень


Ученое звание


Сведения об образовании

- State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Barnaul State Pedagogical University, 2007, majoring in History, qualification - history teacher;

- Autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional education "Altai Academy of Economics and Law," 2010, specialty "Jurisprudence," qualification - lawyer.

Данные о повышении квалификации и (или) профессиональной переподготовке

- FGBOU VO "Altai State Pedagogical University," 2015, "Innovative educational activity in an educational organization under the conditions of implementation of the GEF," 72 hours, certificate;

- internship at the Pension Fund Office in Barnaul, 2015, feedback on the internship.

- IDO FSBOU VO "Alt GPU," 2017, "Technology for designing educational activities of pedagogical workers of the secondary vocational education system in the conditions of implementation of GEF" certificate, 36 hours.

Квалификационная категория

the highest

Общий стаж работы

13 лет

Стаж работы по специальности

13 лет

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